Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday, 11 February 2025

Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

As per usual, a single-part post just isn't going to cut it. Having ranted at considerable length against the Norse sagas (of Flame Tree's Norse Myths and Tales) in part one, in this much more interesting conclusion it's time to enter the weird world of Nose mythology. As before, I'll use VT to refer to the "Viking Tales" book and TNM to refer to Larrington's The Norse Myths That Shape The Way We Think. I'll try not to repeat things I covered already in the latter, except for a few interesting points of difference.

2) The Mythologies

One other thing about this particular collection I need to mention is that the stories are arranged by theme rather than chronology. This can make things more than a little confusing, jumping between Loki being tortured by and then best pals with Thor. It also repeats the story of Baldur's death twice, but, fortunately, this is actually really interesting because the two versions have significant differences from each other, with the second version being far more bloodthirsty.

In some ways the mixed-up ordering is perversely fitting. Underpinning the whole mythology is, of course, the sense of doom. This is completely unlike the Celtic or Greek stories, which are entirely about what the gods did in the past by way of illustration as to what might happen in the future. With the Norse, both past and future are known, including that the gods will eventually die. So at what point in the timeline did the Norse believe they were at ? In the second version of the apocalypse stories, it's said that Loki was unleashed on Earth and corrupted men to evil. But it's also said elsewhere that he remains imprisoned underground, under the dripping of a serpent's venom as torture for his murder of Baldr, resulting in volcanoes and earthquakes. 

When are we, then ? Is Loki still galivanting around with the other gods*, trapped underground, lose in the world causing mischief... ? And, perhaps more importantly, how come men know of the fate of the gods but the gods apparently don't ? Or if they do, why do they bother fighting a hopeless cause and are so woefully unprepared when the forces of chaos break free ? How did the Norse people themselves view the effect of the rise of Christianity on the prophecies of the end of days, or did it not matter ? Answers are to be found here none. Like the Greek myths, presumably there were a multitude of different versions of the stories, with nobody seeing any need for (or having the authority to) impose any sort of consistency.

* Even who Loki is is actually ambiguous. According to some he's Odin's brother, while other's say Odin did have a bother but it wasn't Loki. Other interpretations have it he's another class of deity altogether, the remnant of an earlier age.

What also becomes immediately apparent is that the stories have very different styles to each other. They're every bit as complex as the Greek myths, with a pantheon of gods that if anything is considerably more complex (and with habitations that are a veritable multiverse, with the structure of reality playing a much larger role than in the Greek stories). But whereas the Greek myths tend to veer towards serious tragedy, the Norse, by and large, lean if anything more towards comedy. There's a lot of good-natured aspects to the myths, the danger sometimes clearly not serious; it's hard to escape the impression of a Marvel-like, unserious-but-important tone to the whole thing. They're almost self-subversive in mocking their own underlying doom by putting a big beardy man in a dress to marry a giant.

Yet at other times the sense of destiny and drama eclipses almost anything in the Greek world. Odin hanging himself in tortured sacrifice to himself, "myself to myself", in screaming agony felt throughout the worlds for nine days, or Loki imprisoned with the entrails of his torn-apart sons, the emergence of Ymir in the Yawning Gap, and the apocalypse stories alike... all of these are epic melodrama of the highest order.

Again, it's clear there wasn't a single set version, no definitive dogma. For example, the goddess Hel is in one version cruel and stern, reluctant to relinquish Baldr, allowing one possibility of release only because duty demands it. In another it's the exact opposite : she would dearly live to release poor beloved Baldr, but duty permits her only one possibility !

Baldr himself can sometimes seem like he exists only to die, having no other function – an empty shell of a character. But in other descriptions he's literally goodness itself. His death is significant because it directly precipitates Ragnarok as the gods begin to age, with his loss giving strength to the forces of evil and chaos. He doesn't actually do very much except die, but he acts as a sort of moral lynchpin to the universe, without which it all falls apart.

Death also permeates the stories far more than in the Celtic tales. In Grettir's saga there's a draugr, a zombie living in a barrow, but even in Hel's own domain (where Baldr resides after his death) there are graves where Odin resurrects a seer : there is, it seems, both life and death after death. The gods can die in what seems to be a very final sense indeed, but undead mortals – as physical, roaming corpses rather than mere ghosts – are common. 

The moral character of almost all of the gods is grey in the extreme (if "extreme greyness" isn't an oxymoron). Odin is supposed to be beneficent but appears here very much neutral, a powerful figure who's obsessed with knowledge, not morality : on the side of humans to be sure, but meaning the human species rather than any individual person – and even then only to recruit them as warriors for the final battle. His actions often have distinctly sinister overtones to them, rarely evil, but often horrific. Conversely Loki, though often cruel and ultimately evil, is capable of being entirely altruistic, in at least one case demonstrating greater intelligence than all the other gods, and taking considerable risk to himself, all for the sake of saving a peasant's child. Even Thor, who is largely compassionate towards both humans and humanity, isn't adverse to murder, and unlike Hercules he isn't wracked with regret should this prove necessary. 

For the god's main adversaries, the giants, ambiguity is again the rule. It's totally unclear why Odin and his brothers (which may not may not include Loki) killed Ymir, the first giant who emerged from the blending of the primeval fire and ice. Plenty of gods, including Odin, have sexual and romantic relationships with giants, some of whom are described explicitly as good* – so why Odin thought Ymir in particular should die is never answered. The giants are in no way demonic forces of pure evil, and only seem to challenge the gods because frankly the gods provoked them out of their own sense of insecurity (just as the Fenris wolf only became bent on destruction to revenge himself against his godly captors, being hitherto an innocent pup). 

* The giants, that is, not the sex.

Nor are the giants even lesser than the gods, often being considerably stronger; Odin himself has to be rescued from them on several occasions. Sometimes Thor alone is able to defend the other Aesir, and then only thanks to his mighty hammer. Likewise the gods aren't especially knowledgeable or wise compared to the giants, with Odin having to steal Mimir's knowledge through deception. It isn't even especially clear what attributes he has that make Odin deserve to be leader : save that he was there from the very early days, he's not really anything special in terms of strength, wisdom or powers. Ambiguity, then, permeates all aspects of the mythological figures, not just their morality.

So while there might be a few extreme cases of the embodiment of good and evil, by and large, almost everyone is much more complex than that. It's also surely significant that one of those extremes (Baldr) is killed, whereas the morally flexible but intelligent like Odin and Loki survive considerably longer. And it's the ambiguous ones who create the world we know, including humans.

Perhaps all this is a result of the nature of the gods. Christianity (at least the modern form) is pretty clear that God is, when you get right down to things, It. Mind came first, matter later. Not so in the Norse or Greek myths, in which the act of creation itself is quite unexplained. The gods and giants emerge from primordial forces but they're not the same as them. They create humans, but they never reach anything even approaching omniscience, let alone omnipotence. The Greek gods don't share the sense of struggle against doom, but they too are in many ways closer to humans than they are to the Christian God. Certainly both Norse and Greek gods alike have aspects of embodying or personifying natural forces, but they're ultimately far more complex than that. It is, maybe, more that Thor took on the mantle of thunder rather than being thunder itself.

I suggest that it might be this that really distinguishes the supposedly monotheistic Christianity from the so-called pagan religions. Christianity has its own multitude of supernatural entities, but they're not the same at all. In the pagan traditions such beings are, ultimately, a physical part of the natural world. In Christianity they are of a different order altogether, truly incomprehensible to mortals, with what we see being a mere raiment of their true form. More important than replacing the myriad of deities with a single supernatural being (which Christianity never really managed) might be that it had this much more radically different concept, the idea that the world was basically of the mind of god, not one of matter with God acting as a glorified overseer.

It then becomes easier to understand how pagan deities, being essentially of the same stuff of reality as the rest of us, could get away with having such imperfect and fascinatingly complex characters, rather than the goody-two-shoes attitude of Jesus et al. The Christian deities are all about morals and instruction because they exist outside of our reality; morality is their whole being and function. The pagan deities, though of a totally different order to humans, more differ in their quantity than quality. They are much more similar to us than to the angels.

Not that there wasn't a radical difference in the pagan gods and ordinary mortals. One thing that seems relatively underappreciated is the sheer size of Valhalla, which is itself just one of several halls in one of many worlds. This single hall alone has 540 (or sometimes 500) doors, through each of which 800 warriors can march abreast. Hang on, that means each door is going to be at least a kilometre wide ! So we have of order 500 km of doors alone, plus we'll need some walls in between them or they can't count as doors – that would make Valhalla a sort of cosmic gazebo, which just isn't going to work. The upshot is that we're talking about a hall several hundred kilometres wide, able to receive 432,000 warriors in a single step (say about a million warriors a second), with an ultimate capacity in the tens of billions. It'd take days or weeks just to walk to the centre.

And that, remember, is just for the selected male warriors. Women and others go to other halls. So just how many people the Vikings thought were dying each day is hard to guess, but a quick Google reveals that the total global death rate today is about 150,000 : far short of Valhalla's capacity alone ! They were certainly thinking in cosmic scales*, if not in concepts. Though what the significance of their cosmic myths meant to them, how literally we should take the structure of Yggdrasil and the nine realms, the dismemberment of Ymir and all that, is hard to say. Perhaps it was meant to be symbolic of something deeper that is now lost. Certainly, despite the sheer bizarreness of the creation myth, it feels like there is something more profound and meaningful behind it all.

* Not always though. At one point Loki is carried away by an eagle with an entirely unimpressive 8 ft wingspan, while in another story the wall surrounding Hel is described as being "20 ft high at least !". There's a sometimes comic and sometimes just thoughtless mismatch between the physical scale and tone of the events being described.

I should probably bring this to end with (what else ?) Ragnarok. Or rather, post-Ragnarok. The apocalypse itself is dramatic, and beautifully deadly, but the aftermath doesn't seem nearly as much talked about. Not only does the Earth eventually re-emerge from the sea, verdant and renewed, but several of the gods survive. This includes Baldr, presumably freed now that Hel is dead, but a couple of others also need be mentioned. Vidar, the son of Odin and giantess, has a single giant shoe, possibly formed of all the bits of leather that cobblers have discarded. With this he holds down and breaks the jaw of Fenris. Another is Vali, the son by rape (sorry, "compelled to become his wife", as the text puts it) of Odin and a Russian princess. Also of note is that while the introductory text describes (as in TNM) the dragon Nidhug flying overhead with corpses in his wings, in the actual story given this is not seen : everything is a picture of harmony.

That everything at least basically works out in the end puts a very different slant on the whole thing, especially that not all of the gods are doomed. Regeneration is another common theme throughout the stories, especially regenerating animals for food. Here the change is more substantial. Odin, Thor and most of the rest appear to be truly gone : the old order will not return, replaced with one which is simpler, less interesting, but more benevolent. Ragnarok is truly an ending, but it is not the end. Nothing ends completely Even the worse calamities bring renewal and hope.

In these posts I've mentioned a few times that I don't really see Christianity as monotheistic. It should also be clear that I don't find Bible stories particularly interesting, which might seem unfair since they feature many of the same elements as the pagan ones : divine beings with magical powers doing strange things to people. So what gives ?

I think it's mainly because they're so morally fixated and certain. The mechanics of miracles is rendered bland and dull because it's always just down to the unimaginable powers of God. The morality is always framed as having one certain answer, with any deficiencies brushed under the carpet as missing the point. The structure of the cosmos, the nature of reality – these play no part at all in anything (at least, all this is how it was taught to me at school). Plenty of interesting events happen but the stories are all tediously moralising sermons, perpetually serious and loaded with endless judgement. 

While the pagan and Christian stories share some elements, the resemblance is superficial. Pagan stories do have moral judgements in them, but far more often they simply raise moral questions without clear answers. The gods themselves frequently behave like arseholes, often comically. The myths practically invite us to ask questions both moral and physical without ever judging our own answers : was it right that the gods did that ? How does magic work ? Paganism also allows the believer access to magical powers of their own, rather than reducing everything to God.

Now as a scientist the appeal should be clear. A world view which is inherently amoral rather than immoral, with uncertainty as one of its core principles, and allowing the user scope to both investigate and change reality... in more than a few ways, paganism may have more in common with science than Christianity. The attempt of Christianity to unite moral and physical beliefs is to me ultimately unsatisfying, or at least uninteresting since the answer is so often deemed to be beyond investigation. For Christianity any moral failings of the stories are a problem; for paganism they're an active feature. It feels far easier to view paganism metaphorically, whereas in Christianity things are often supposed to be meant rather more literally. 

It's the very lack of answers in paganism that I find appealing. I would much prefer to have to ask interesting questions than deal with answers I can't accept, to paraphrase Feynman

I shouldn't go too far with this, mind you. I stand by a previous review of Tom Holland's Dominion as one of the best books I've read in recent years, doing a commendable job of advocating for the benefits of Christianity from an atheistic perspective (especially its truly revolutionary concern for the poor). And I'm acutely aware that many Christian thinkers do ask deeply philosophical questions, that theology at a beyond-school level can be altogether different from being taught right from wrong "because the book said so" as a child. Nevertheless, the Christian stories themselves feel loaded with judgements in a way the pagan stories simply don't. So while Dominion did change my views of ancient peoples in a way no other book has done, ultimately... I still find paganism to have a stronger appeal.

Not that I'll ever be signing up to anything. The subversive elements of pagan stories are certainly much more rewarding than the holier-than-thou Bible stories as literature, but as a guide to anything (moral or physical) they seem all but useless. Perhaps most importantly of all, I just don't see the need for invoking deities as either physical explanations (except perhaps a prime mover) or for daily moral instruction. Science, philosophy, and discussions with others provide all of that in abundance. To me there's just nothing to be gained, and quite a lot to lose, by signing up to any particular belief structure. Better by far to just muddle through.

Monday, 10 February 2025

Review : Norse Myths and Tales (I)

And now back to the mythology.

Last year I covered a few of Flame Tree Publishing's Epic Tales series, most recently their Viking Folk and Fairy Tales (VT). Though plenty of the fairy tales are indeed fascinating, I'm more interested in mythology proper. The folk stories certainly draw on elements of genuine belief, but the stories themselves feel for the most part like works that were meant to be understood as fundamentally fictitious. I want the things that people actually believed in, to get at the world view of the Vikings themselves*.

* Yes, Vikings. According to distinguished professor Neil Price this is a perfectly fine term to use, so that's what I'll do.

Step forth Flame Tree's Norse Myths and Tales, unavailable in my local bookshops but easily obtained by having someone else buy it for me putting it on my Christmas list. This is altogether a much better collection as far as mythology goes. Oh, I enjoyed Thames & Hudson's The Norse Myths That Shape The Way We Think (TNM) very much indeed, but sometimes there's just no substitute for reading the original material.

This being Flame Tree, the content is a mixture of the pre-Christian myths and a few later sagas. As usual, to my continuing displeasure, they don't really state the origin of the texts with anywhere near enough clarity. Sometimes things are oddly corrupted, with sentences just ending unfinished for

Yes, you can see how annoying that can be. Don't worry, I wo

It's also problematic because again it's not entirely clear what's a direct translation and what's a retelling; Sigurd feels like a blend of both, which might explain why some parts make absolutely no sense. And the translations are highly unequal. Thankfully, in this case all the mythology stuff is perfect – everything I could ask for, indeed adding a lot of details that TNM missed completely, sometimes radically changing the understanding of the tales. 

But the sagas... not so much. Frithiof the Bold is rather better than the translation in VT, the Laxdaela is okay, but Grettir the Strong is borderline unintelligible. Vocabulary is more often than not unconventional for no good reason whatsoever, doing nothing but making it more difficult to read. Sentence construction is even worse, often being just plain bad. I persisted as long as I could, but I seriously considered skipping it. The opening prologue is totally and utterly uninteresting, and only reading the Wikipedia summary – which assured me there were monsters and such – gave me any desire to persevere. In the end I found an online translation which was at least readable, and I got through it eventually*, but this part alone took me several weeks.

* Sheer bloody-mindedness saw me through, mostly for the humblebragging rights so I can tell y'all from a qualified position about how bad it is.

On, then, to my usual analysis-cum-summary.

1) The Sagas

They're boring.

Yes, they are. Not as bad as the Anglo-Saxon chronicle, but still bad.

To clarify, they're not all boring all the time and they're certainly not all equally boring, but the overall quality is one of extreme, finely-honed dullness. They're written as long, rambling, pseudo-histories, in which every single time – without fail – a new character is introduced, the reader is subject to a genealogical deluge like a bizarre precursor to Who Do You Think You Are ? Worse, so many of the characters have names which are so ridiculously similar to each other, and often make such fleeting appearances, that following along with the story becomes all but impossible. Even with the Sigurd saga - the only one I did actually enjoy, and don't really count it as a saga – I had to rename half the characters in my notes to make any sense of what the hell was going on.

With the others here (Frithiof, GunnlaugGettir, and Laxdaela) I made no such effort. They're just weird and weirdly uninteresting, a sort of strange proto-literature. Every once in a while, they rise to the standards of something decently readable, with the dialogue sounding quite a lot like it was written for TV's Vikings, with many a thing left powerfully unsaid. But most of the time they're terse in the extreme, lacking any sort of emotive description whatever, with dialogue so laconic it borders on the farcical. Not a real example, but it easily could be :

"I suppose I had better fight you now, then."

"Yes, that seems the way of it".

Absolutely everything is delivered in the same extremely matter-of-fact way, even on the sporadic occasions of magic and monsters. One character is nicknamed "the chatterbox" because she has the audacity to utter two sentences in succession ! Many characters (especially in Frithiof) slip into verse at random, although I assume it just doesn't translate well because every single entry is without exception utterly crap.

Not to say that reading the sagas is totally without value. It's interesting to compare with Tolkien's thoughts on Beowulf, that he could see the point of asking for no monsters in the story but not in asking for less. These particular stories are an excellent demonstration of why that approach doesn't work. When the characters have to deal with a mixture of the mostly mundane but occasionally magical, the significance of the magic is utterly lost. It'd be like if Harry Potter was mostly a story about a boy who had to fill in his tax reports* or something, but was just occasionally but inconsequentially assisted by a magical owl. True, it does help to reinforce that people really believed in these magical elements, treating ghosts and draugr as being every bit as plausible as run-of-the-mill warriors, but narratively, they're nothing special. The magic is robbed of all its force.

* No, I don't know why a minor would have to fill in taxes, but meh.

In short, if you make the mundane become magical, stories can become far more interesting. Doing it the other way around, stripping the magical of its mystique, simply doesn't work.

A couple of examples will suffice. Grettir descends into a barrow and finds "horse bones, and then he stumbled against the arm of a high chair, and in that chair he found a man sitting, great treasures of gold and silver were heaped together there... as he went out through the barrow he was gripped at right strongly." So is the barrow-wight the man in the chair ? It isn't said, so the opportunity to build up any real horror is squandered. 

Likewise the only good bit in Frithiof is when the eponymous hero and his crew encounter a storm  raised by witches sitting in a magical tower. But they also see two witches at sea riding a whale, which they fight by hitting them with oars. The witches in the tower "tumbled down and brake both their backs". Presumably there's a connection (which is definitely interesting), but if you can fight magic using a wooden plank, it hardly seems like anything especially fearful. Cool imagery, but wasted through dire narrative.

What's particularly strange is the contrast with the mythologies. In the sagas, everyone is concerned with petty vengeance and lawsuits the whole god damn time; they're essentially soap operas with swords, but nowhere near the level of writing talent of, say, Coronation Street (yes, really, they're that bad*). In the mythologies the storytelling is worlds apart : they're fun, entertaining, clear and straightforward. What went wrong ? How did they go from stories about Thor fighting a giant snake and Loki bound in the entrails of his children to... stories about boring people having endless petty squabbles and legal disputes about matters of no importance ? Certainly there's enough similarity between the myths and the folk tales to see the evolution from one to the other, but the sagas leave me coldly baffled. On the other hand, people today enjoy boring stories of no importance, so I suppose there's that.

* Especially Njal's Saga, which I read some years ago and outright hated. The ones in this volume I'm merely, shall we say, actively uninterested in. I don't hate them. There's not really enough there to hate.

One final general observation : these stories are definitely a lot more feminist than the later folk tales. There are, to be fair, strong female characters aplenty, seldom warriors but definitely in control of the situation, and sometimes violent. They're not always very nice too, though the standards of the day differ wildly. This is true of the male characters as well. Grettir is to modern eyes surely at the very least an antihero, a precursor to the unbearable "cinderlads" of the folk tales : the lazy and forgotten who are insufferably arrogant because they turn out to have hidden talents that put everyone else to shame. At worse he's a murderous villain. Yet in the saga he's clearly depicted in a favourable light, but as to why we're supposed to ally ourselves with the stupid and unbearable git is anyone's guess. Thus with Gudrun, a woman whose love interests are prolonged and confused, it's hardly clear what we're supposed to make of her actions. And quite unlike in VT, there are plenty of women who justifiably snap at their husbands here.

Not that this means any real sort of equality. In one case, Gudrun persuades a man to divorce his wife for the irredeemable act of wearing trousers.

Okay, rant over. As you'll have guessed, there's only one saga I think I need to cover in any detail.


I have to give the Sigurd saga at least a little airtime because it's very, very different to the others. It feels somehow more Germanic and less Norse, though I've no right to that opinion whatever. It's a lot more grounded in the human world with the gods having important but ultimately walk-on parts – it's much more a story than a myth. The powers of the gods are far diminished compared to the truly mythological tales, with the gods being capricious to the point of incoherency (though this might be a result of the translation/summary). At various times they act like fundamental, all-controlling powers in the world yet at others they're helplessly impotent against, say, rope. And there's an awful lot of relationship-based melodrama and little or no humour.

Unlike the versions given in both VT and TNM, this one does at least describe the whole saga, rather than focusing solely on Sigurd himself. And the backstory is fascinating. Of course, there are more than a few elements that compare directly with the tale of Túrin Turambar in The Silmarilion, especially the fight with the dragon. But one key difference that exemplifies the differences emerges early on. The central tragedy of Túrin is his accidental incest with his sister, but for one of Sigurd's ancestors it's another matter entirely. Sigmund's sister Signy sends him her sons so he can raise them to wreak vengeance on her husband, who murdered their family. Finding them wanting, Sigmund either sends them away... or kills them. Signy figures that only a child of pure blood will do, so she willingly swaps forms with a sexy witch, shags her brother, and their offspring is sufficiently to Sigmund's liking that he raises him in the arts of vengeance.

Not that Sinfiotli has it easy, mind you. Oh my no. His hardships start at age 10, with Singy sewing his clothes to his skin and ripping them off to see if he flinches. He doesn't. Later, he and Sigmund turn into werewolves and Sigmund goes berserk and kills him – but not to worry, he's restored with the help of a magical immortal weasel.

Go on, look me in the eye and tell me that's not ten thousand times more interesting than all those petty legal disputes and stupid blood feuds of the other sagas. I dare you.

Interesting, undoubtedly... but pretty soon it began to remind me of those "Am I The Asshole ?" threads on reddit. The answers to those tend to be either a) yes, obviously, b) no of course not, or, more common by far, c) WTAF how are you like this you can't possibly be like this or know people like this you seriously, outrageously WEIRD person. The latter describes pretty much everyone in the Sigurd saga, with their motivations basically comprehensible yet also absolute and total bullshit. And they're racist to the nth degree, or perhaps more accurately tribalistic : everyone in the wrong tribe "clearly" deserves death, not because of anything they've done but just because of who they are, and it seems the reader is meant to support this.

Signy, for instance, confesses her incest for no apparent reason and then burns herself alive. Her son Sigurd falls in with Regin, bother of the dragon Fafnir, who initially helps him to kill Fafnir* to steal his treasure, but then immediately blames Sigurd for killing his brother. "Not to worry", he says, "it'll be okay if you roast his heart". Errr, mind explaining HOW THE ACTUALY LIVING FUCK does that help anyone, Regin ?**

* Tolkien described Fafnir as one of only two dragons of any real significance. I'm not sure – Fafnir is hardly a primal, elemental force like Nidhug who gnaws at the roots of Yggdrasil, the world tree. Fafnir is ultimately just a corrupt man. Certainly he's interesting, but he's not a matter of of cosmic importance.

** Much as Celtic heroes gain knowledge from salmon so too does Sigurd gain knowledge from the heart. But this isn't made clear in advance, which makes Regin sound more than slightly mad, and Sigurd more than slightly stupid for believing him.

So it's tough to like anyone at all in the Saga of the Völsungs. When Sigurd meets Brunhild in her castle surrounded by fire, he fucks her brains out and then gives her... a cursed ring. SIGURD NO DUDE WTF DID YOU DO THAT FOR  ? It gets worse : he buggers off and for some reason Brunhild decides, no, I've been waiting here my whole life, I love you but I'm staying here for a few days FOR NO DAMN REASON. Which of course results in Sigmund having his memory wiped and marrying some other random babe somewhere else. 

Basically, it's a great but utterly stupid story. In the end everyone dies pointlessly and tragically. Odin and the other gods flit in and out, capriciously favouring this and that mortal and rescinding their favours for no fucking reason whatever. There's monsters, cannibalism, incest, child murder, genocide, sex aplenty. It is, in short, a veritable hot mess of a saga, bizarre in the extreme – and, of course, eminently suited for opera.

That's quite enough for part one. Next time I'll look at the considerably more interesting world of the mythology itself, with not a legal dispute in sight. The northern peoples of Europe may have had the literary talents of a basket of dead hamsters but they redeemed themselves tremendously when it came to explaining the world around them.

Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

As per usual, a single-part post just isn't going to cut it. Having ranted at considerable length against the Norse sagas (of Flame Tree...