Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday 12 March 2015

Not mainstream

"Shadow justice secretary Sadiq Khan said Mr Farage's comments were one of the most shocking things he had ever heard from a mainstream politician."

He's not bloody mainstream ! He's a far right nutter !!!!


  1. I think the words race and racism is misused too much theses days. Brits are not a race, the French, Germans, Welsh are not a race.
    Scenario: A firm preferentially employs Brits over immigrants, they fall foul of the discrimination law... but what if the employed Brits are a mixture of black, white, and asian?

  2. Fantastic idea British jobs for British workers. And if puts people off from coming to our country then that's a bonus.

  3. Oliver Hamilton very good point. Every time anyone opens their mouths these days they are accused of being racist.

  4. When will the rascist and bigoted lies about UKIP stop?

  5. Not dealing with this rubbish right now for personal reasons, comments closed.


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