Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday, 27 December 2015

Those cheeky Welsh

Genius, via a certain Gregg Taylor but G+ won't let me select the correct Gregg.


  1. Tax evasion is something most people find interesting and it is bad for any nation.

    Government provides amenities based on generated revenue from taxes and that is to the benefit of the society. I don't really understand why people, corporation and society want to avoid tax.

  2. That depends. A corporation (in the United States anyway) is largely beholden to its stockholders as a matter of law. So tax avoidance (they avoid the world "evasion" because what the big companies are doing is generally legal, if unethical) is just a matter of serving the stockholder.

    Why do individuals do it? All kinds of reasons. I want a bigger car, a bigger house, a bigger boat. Others cheat just because they're having financial problems. The list is endless.

  3. Phoenix Williams It would be nice if when I typed in a name it would give preference to those who have me/I have in circles, that would seem to be a common-sense feature that's missing.

    Patrick Johnson I agree. It should be noted that this is a stunt to illustrate how corporations avoid paying tax, not actually a bunch of villagers trying to really avoid taxes.

  4. Here in the States we're making the same complaints about Apple harboring funds in Ireland. Boy was Tim Cook adamant that Apple is doing nothing wrong in a recent interview! I accept that he might be technically correct.
    Over here all this points to the movement to limit "corporate personhood" and factors such as taxes are but one issue in that regard. After hearing this article on NPR it became apparent; this is pretty much a global racket, er, uh special exemption.
    Cheers to all and a healthy & prosperous 2016. Now go and call your Accountants!


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