Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday 5 January 2016

Bendable screens are for phones, not TVs

"Why would you want a bendable TV? LG says it's ideal for making displays, like in a shop, but also for people who no longer want to sacrifice an entire corner of a room to a television."

Umm, I can imagine much better uses. I don't think people would particularly want to get rid of their huge status symbol that they plan their living room around anyway. Maybe having a pull-down screen in smaller houses but that's about it.

Instead, I'm thinking mobile phones and replacement tablets. The screen isn't truly foldable yet, but even a screen you could unroll would save a lot of space. Computing-wise I'm (ultimately) thinking a powerful central hub that transmits the signal wirelessly to multiple soft touchscreens. More short term, perhaps a cross between a book and a tablet. Multiple pages so you can flick back and forth between content and compare things but with interactive content - the best of both worlds.


  1. It makes a lot of sense and the portability is incontestable!

  2. They are less breakable. Possibly a motivation for people with children or large pets.


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Philosophers be like, "?"

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