Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday 19 October 2016

Mid-air holograms

Via Winchell Chung. Certainly not a holodeck, but getting pretty close to R2D2's projector.

Originally shared by Jason Mayes

Possibly the most promising #holographic projection system I have seen to date which manages to create projections in air by controlling the air in a confined space so well it can change the properties of light (refraction, reflection / diffusion) which interacts with that volume of air, thus creating the visual you see below - which is safe to touch too. #Physics #ComputerScience #Hologram Go back it on #KickStarter

1 comment:

  1. It will be adapted for use by the adult entertainment industry, just like every advance in communication from before Gutenberg's printing press up to video tape recorders, CD-ROMs, and the internet. I'm sure quite a few people are working on x-rated virtual reality.


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