Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday 7 November 2016

Review : Sacred History

Going out of my comfort zone and reviewing a very strange book indeed.

I think it's entirely rational to speculate as to the nature of the mind. Certainly, it could be that the mind is nothing more than the actions of particles within the brain by some ferociously complicated process. But why is is considered so ridiculous to propose that our sense of self is actually just some shard of a much greater "cosmic mind", a "spark of the divine" with reality an "objective illusion" as Black calls it ?

Answer : it isn't. But it is unequivocally *un*scientific. Yes, everything could be an illusion or a simulation, but it isn't possible to test this scientifically. One could use this hypothesis to explain any otherwise tricky phenomena, thus getting us nowhere. In terms of analysing the world around us though, it's useless.

And the "we're all living in a simulation" idea, which seems to be an increasingly reoccurring theme on the internet these days, is just a modern manifestation of old mystical notions. It's simply been redrafted in a way that militant materialists are marginally more comfortable with. Even the very term consciousness has mystical overtones. But computers ? Mere machines. We know about computers, we understand computers, with think we can build artificial intelligence => someone else has probably built an AI => we're all living in a simulation. It's exactly the same idea as that of a cosmic mind, just with a crude and ineffective attempt to strip it of the supernatural elements. It lets the materialists off the hook of having to concede that minds are all-important while simultaneously but stealthily acknowledging that minds are all-important. It's just replacing one god with another.

This isn't anti-science at all, unless you think that Elon Musk is anti-science - at least, so long as you don't go resorting to using simulation/cosmic mind as your explanation for everything. But it is most definitely un-science.

While Black claims that sometimes visions of mystical beings and whatnot happen in a spiritual realm which is normally inaccessible, which I could accept as merely unscientific, he also claims that sometimes these events happen entirely in the physical world.

And lo and behold... just like every single other book on the paranormal I've ever read (and there have been many over the years), his descriptions of these are unconvincing and his citations are frankly appalling. If you want to say, "I'm being irrational but here's what I believe - I don't think these things can be analysed rationally" (which he does on many occasions), then fine. But if you want to say, "here's the rational, measurable evidence for what I believe", then you've got to do better than a bunch of anecdotes.

Yet I find it as preposterous to consider the Universe and conclude that it definitely has no absolute, intrinsic meaning - as scientisim assumes - as I do to conclude that it's all about a big beardy dude in the sky who is inordinately concerned with whether I eat bacon or what I do with my genitals. The assumption that there's no great cosmic mind is just that - an assumption. A leap of non-faith. Ordinary science doesn't concern itself with this in the least, it simply looks at the world and tries to explain the observations according to rational processes. Whether there's some higher power at work causing those processes and imbuing them with meaning is irrelevant. Only scientism explicitly believes against the existence of such a divinity - ordinary science doesn't give a crap about it. Science is apatheistic, scientism is antitheist.

For me neither materialism nor idealism provide satisfactory solutions. But while I'm happy to consider these radically unscientific ideas at a very abstract level, when it comes to specific details I find Black's concepts to be utterly lousy. He simply states, bluntly, that angels are doing this that and the other without the slightest bit of justification.

So, unsurprisingly, a book that looks at some of the deepest questions fails to provide any satisfactory answers. It managed to provoke some very interesting lines of thought... but the effort to find a harmony between idealism and materialism ultimately completely failed, leaving me in the unusual position of declaring that I rather liked this crappy book. I can't give it more than 3/10, but it was worth reading.


  1. I think it's perfectly reasonable to consider us humans, and conclude that absolute, intrinsic meaning is a misconception. An egocentric folly.

  2. Oh, I agree it's reasonable. Maximum emphasis on the "definitely" part.

  3. Rhys Taylor I don't think we're capable of forming 100% beliefs, so I don't think it's possible for anyone to overstate that particular claim.
    It's disappearingly unlikely that meaning is a property of ontological reality.

  4. Angels, UFOs and Sasquatches....

  5. "And the "we're all living in a simulation" idea [...] It's just replacing one god with another."

    This was a fascinating insight, thanks for sharing.

    Also, the Spirit Hitler is not completely devoid of merit: the guy survived by miracle at dozens of assassination attempts, and managed to turn the world's greatest centre of art, science and philosophy into a machine of death, unleashing an evil on this world that may never quite go away. And the Waffen-SS had a chant with the line Und der Teufel, der lacht nur dazu, or "And the Devil is laughing with us" (which inspired the title of a French WWII novel, Le Diable en rit encore, appr. "the Devil is still laughing"). So assuming Hitler had the Devil's own protection wouldn't be a stretch.
    Though of course, to me the leading theory is that every single mad scientist inventing time travel feels morally obligated to try and kill Hitler which, as History already tells us, failed every single time - and captured mad scientists or the stuff they let behind was obviously the basis of all the wunderwaffe programs of later Nazi Germany.
    (I mean, it could be that he simply was a brilliant demagogue that used the power of hatred to harness the latent, explosive sociopolitical climate into driving the nation to let him enact his insanity, but come on, time travellers! It makes perfect sense!)

    More seriously, seems to have pretty interesting articles, thanks for sharing (again) - illogicity

  6. Illogicity is the blog of Joel Reid, who is a sensible chap.

  7. Elie Thorne Heh. Very good. To all who say we're living in a simulation, I reply "First the philosophers, then the scientists and lately the computer scientists have all been trying to evict stupid old Platonism from the way people think - and it just keeps reappearing under different guises. This Simulation World is just another incarnation of Plato's Ideal Forms and this Angelic Woo, so wonderfully demolished by Rhys - Neoplatonism.

  8. Most likely, all the time travellers trying to kill Hitler keep missing and killing each other in a hilarious fashion.

  9. "He simply states, bluntly, that angels are doing this that and the other without the slightest bit of justification."

    That sums it up for me.

    To say that we are "something else" just seems like nonsense to me. We might not understand what we are very well, but we are exactly what we are and we do exactly what we do. For contrast, ask if you are probably what you are & do you probably do what you do?


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