Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday, 18 November 2016

Word of the day : puggles


Sydney's Taronga Zoo is celebrating its first baby echidnas, or puggles as they are better known, in almost 30 years. The three babies hatched from their eggs in August but keepers wanted to see them grow before going public. "Echidnas are notoriously difficult to breed in human care, but keepers are pleased with the progress of the tiny trio," the zoo said.

The puggles have opened their eyes and are developing the spines characteristic of their species. They have yet to be named by the keepers but are not expected to leave their burrows until early next year. Until then they will be mostly sleeping.


  1. Always good to hear about Australian animals that can't kill humans. :-)

  2. Simon Barton I had Bhut Jolokia con Carne burritos for dinner (experimenting with some ghost chillis I got from a friend). So I'm very aware they can be lethal. And they're not even native to Australia.


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