Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday 18 January 2017

Horses are more deadly than snakes, says crazy Australian

But... but... it's Australia ! You can't move for deadly venomous animals there ! Most likely, everyone who got bitten by a snake was subsequently eaten by a crocodile or a shark or a very large jellyfish. Yes, that must be it.


  1. Next they'll be telling us that more Australians die from bathroom falls than from crocodile attacks. Paul Hogan lied to me!

  2. Um, isn't she a 'host' on WestWorld?

    As for the horse thing, it's just the gov't covering up drop-bear attacks.


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It's okay to like vinyl

Here's a nice if somewhat over-lengthy piece about why people prefer antiquated technologies like vinyl records instead of digital medi...