Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday, 22 January 2017

Mine's bigger !

You know the very powerful and the very stupid have one thing in common. They don't alter their views to fit the facts. They alter the facts to fit the views. Which can be uncomfortable if you happen to be one of the facts that needs altering. - Doctor Who

Alas, dear Doctor, powerful and stupid are not mutually exclusive states.

President Donald Drumpf has accused the media of dishonesty over the number of people attending his inauguration.Mr Drumpf was speaking after photographs were published appearing to show more people attended the inauguration of his predecessor Barack Obama in 2009. Mr Drumpf's press secretary said it had been "the largest audience to ever see an inauguration" even though figures he cited add up to under 750,000 people.


  1. Stupid implies that he doesn't know what he's doing. I don't yet see any evidence of that. That said; I don't know what he's doing. Though I'm worried that he seems dead set at destroying the credibility of the press.

    But so far, making bald face lies seems to have had no negative effect on him, quite the opposite actually, so I see no reason to believe that should be taken as evidence of stupidity.

    In any case; I prefer, at the moment, to focus on the fact that more people turned out for the Women's March than for the inauguration. More people in the US think he's full of it than not.

  2. Chris Greene​ I'm sorry, I have to disagree. He understands his core audience and how to pitch himself, sure, but I see no evidence that what he says, especially on social media, is part of some orchestrated plan.

    His popularity has plummeted between being elected and being sworn in. With almost every other president it's gone the other way around. A large part of this is because of his endless stream of self-gratifying, and self-destructive, tweets.

    There is no need to attribute a master plan that no one can explain when everything makes perfect sense when seen through the lens that he has a narcissist disorder. Note, I'm not saying he simply has an overinflated opinion of himself (virtually every politician does). I'm saying the commander and chief of the most powerful military on the planet has a serious psychological condition.

  3. I would say there are different kinds of stupid. He's certainly played an intelligent political campaign as a popularist, winning the election despite losing the political vote. However, many of his stated policies are stupid. They go against mountains of evidence and even common sense. Acting for short-term gains while risking irreparable harm to the environment and global stability certainly counts as stupidity of the highest order in my book.

  4. A glorified car salesman, telling people (including the reflection in the mirror) just what they want to hear.
    I guess what disturbs me the most, is 'We the People' spoke differently according to the popular vote, yet...

  5. He is systematically closing the door on reality and instilling his new "truth". Read or better yet watch the Inaugural speech. He moves to systematically erase yesterday and assert his new tomorrow.


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