Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday, 29 January 2017

Whatever you do, don't be rude to the Queen

It's so very, very British.

A man from Leeds who started a viral petition to have Donald Drumpf’s state visit to the UK cancelled says he did so because he did not want the Queen to have to shake the new President's hand. Initially, Mr Guest said, he was not concerned about Mr Drumpf coming to the UK in his capacity as US President - he just did not want him to meet and embarrass the 90-year-old monarch, given his track record of “misogyny and vulgarity”.

Mr Drumpf's announcement on Friday of strict travel restrictions on people from seven majority-Muslim countries “changes things slightly”, Mr Guest said. “It’s added a new dimension to things and until that ban is lifted I don’t think he should come to the country at all in any capacity”. But Mr Guest said his primary concern is still the “poor old Queen”.

Mr Guest said there was not a specific thing Mr Drumpf had done that spurred him to start the petition, it was just the President's general demeanour. “It just seemed a very incongruous thing for this man, with all of the things he’s said, to be with the Queen,” he explained, adding that he thought Mr Drumpf might find an affinity with another member of the royal household — “I mean maybe he’d get on well with Prince Philip.. who knows”.

Currently at 670,000 signatures and rising.


  1. It looks like getting to a million by midnight.

  2. I love how you changed his name to Drumpf in the quote!

  3. Durand D'souza That's because I have John Oliver's "Make Donald Drumpf Again" extension for Chrome installed. Makes ridiculing the man that little bit easier. :)


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