Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 20 February 2017

Meanwhile at Nuremberg...

Yep, that about sums it up.

[Who gets to decide, they say, as though that were a question that can't be answered. The answer is always someone, and the fact that other people don't like it is not something we have to even address.]


  1. Actually they had freedom of speech. They where allowed to speech freely in their own defence. Which is an important part of the judicial system.

    And afterwards they where sentenced.

    Who ever made this meme does neither know how democracy nor how justice works..

  2. I think you missed the point of this. The far right cries "freedom of speech !" and "you don't want to hear different opinions" or "political correctness run amok !" at every conceivable opportunity. It shouldn't be taken as a literal depiction of the Nuremberg Trials because that would be mad.

  3. When did freedom of speech become freedom not to be challenged? Oh, I know, when social conservatives began to feel their moral authority challenged.

  4. Alistair Young well said. Mind you there are quite a few on the left as well who had enough of reality denying cry babys.


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