Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 2 February 2017

We could end the stupid right now, but chose not to

No, apparently 2017 is going to be year the stupid just continues.

MPs have voted by a majority of 384 to allow Prime Minister Theresa May to get Brexit negotiations under way. They backed the government's European Union Bill, supported by the Labour leadership, by 498 votes to 114. But the SNP, Plaid Cymru and the Liberal Democrats opposed the bill, while 47 Labour MPs and Tory ex-chancellor Ken Clarke rebelled. The bill now faces further scrutiny in the Commons and the House of Lords before it can become law.

Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn had imposed a three-line whip - the strongest sanction at his disposal - on his MPs to back the bill. Shadow cabinet members Rachael Maskell and Dawn Butler quit the party's front bench shortly before the vote, in order to defy his orders. Also, 13 Labour frontbenchers voted against their own party position, apparently without first resigning.

Mr Corbyn said: "Labour MPs voted more than three to one in favour of triggering Article 50. Now the battle of the week ahead is to shape Brexit negotiations to put jobs, living standards and accountability centre stage. Labour's amendments are the real agenda. The challenge is for MPs of all parties to ensure the best deal for Britain, and that doesn't mean giving Theresa May a free hand to turn Britain into a bargain-basement tax haven."

[Corbyn is a complete fucking arse monkey. After effectively threatening them with expulsion, he acts as though Labour MPs support Brexit. History is going to judge this sorry episode - and May won't be the only one who gets the blame.]

Liberal Democrat leader Tim Farron, seven of whose nine MPs voted against the government, said: "The Tories and Labour have failed future generations today by supporting a hard Brexit. Labour's leadership tonight have waved the white flag. They are not an opposition; they are cheerleaders."


  1. Wasn't unexpected, but no less depressing for that.

  2. What will Trumps first war be? How long until we (meaning the UK or the Rest of EU, or really whatever...) are in a (full fledged, not distant) war either together with or against the US?

    All the foundations of peace in at least parts of the world seem to be disintegrating. :-/

  3. I'm pro-Brexit. The EU is falling apart. Largely due to the collapse of the US Empire, but the Muslim "refugee" invasion isn't helping either.

    Dave Sutton​ - What do you think as an English citizen?

  4. I have to wonder what Gina Miller was trying to do and has it really had much effect

  5. David Lazarus You are saying: "The EU is falling apart, thus I am Pro-Brexit."

    I think: "Because of Brexit, the EU is falling apart."

    There are other problems, but, actually, Brexit is the most major breakup since, well, the EU's existence.

  6. I find the use of quotation marks around refugees more than a little disturbing.

  7. Michel Kangro​ - I disagree. Has everyone already forgotten about Grexit? The US's economy undoubtedly effects the rest of the industrialized world; especially the EU. Obama guaranteed the fall of the US Empire. The EU will follow.

  8. Rhys Taylor​ - Disturbing? Why? Have you not witnessed the havoc they have wreaked across Europe? People like Martin Zeitler​ and Oliver Seckinger​ have certainly noticed.

  9. David Lazarus Have you witnessed the havoc wreaked across Europe by the Brexit? And that is while Britain not admitting very many refugees and already having quite some special treatments.

    I do live in Europe and am quite comfortable, no chaos anywhere in sight. There were incidents, like Cologne last year, which, as I understood it, was largely due to people living in Europe for quite some time, not refugees.

    There was also quite some chaos by people that, say, have reservations about refugees near their home, for some reason or none, and do some quite disturbing and chaotic things to, well, voice their concerns, like pushing over police cars, burning temporary homes or scaring said refugees.

    Is that what you were referring to?

    Well, blaming the refugees for the chaos caused by people blaming the refugees for the very same chaos is circular logic interesting.

  10. Michel Kangro​ - Germany, specifically, is displacing citizens to make room for "refugees". The two people I mentioned earlier can confirm that is happening. I know many people across Europe thanks to G+. Circular logic does not explain what has been happening in in Eastern European countries, France, Germany and, to a lesser degree, the UK. Yes, those countries' citizens are up in arms and understandably so. I'm honestly quite surprised nothing major has happened in the US over the past couple of years. Especially in my neck of the woods. There are 18+ military bases within a 60 mile radius of my house.

  11. David Lazarus​ That's just untrue. No German citizens are "displaced", certainly not at the scale you are referring to.

    Why would that many Germans know and be "up in arms" and not tell everyone else?

    Also, why would the government replace her own people?

    Is there an English word for "Verschwörungstheorie"?

    Circular logic doesn't explain what's happening, because it cannot explain anything, ever. Racism and facism and right wing popularism, those are the explanations we are looking for.

  12. Here in the Czech Republic we have more protesters than we do refugees. That's the power of fearmongering.

  13. Rhys Taylor​ - That would be natural. If the ratio were tipped the other direction, they wouldn't be "refugees". They would be conquerors. Kind of like England and Spain were in the Americas. Honestly, I think it's happening just that way in Europe. We're just seeing it in real time instead of reading an extremely condensed, biased and largely false retelling of the events. Today's Muslim "refugee" expansion and occupation mirrors that of the Moors during the Middle Ages.

  14. Verschwörungstheorie = conspiracy theory, which of course is what David Lazarus believes. I'll take evens that he believes in pizzagate, and Obama being a Muslim.

    His contention that German citizens are being displaced for refugees is just lies. Or #alternativefacts.

    I look forward to him and his two silent tagged mates providing proof of that assertion.

  15. David Lazarus Few in any military conquests have seen the invading armies outnumber the civilians. Why, the Spanish in the Americas is a quintessential example of a tiny band of soldiers overcoming overwhelming odds. The British Empire ran with an army of ~100,000 men controlling populations in the hundreds of millions.

    No, they aren't "refugees". There's no doubt they are refugees; they are fleeing war and persecution. These are objective facts. This doesn't mean they're all nice people any more than it means all Americans are nice or all Buddhists are nice or all scientists love kittens. Have you even ever met a Muslim ? I grew up in Cardiff, ~5% Muslim; there's been a mosque there since the Victorian era. And you know what Muslims are ? I shall tell you. They're normal. fucking. people. With all their own petty biases and bigotries and acts of supreme kindness that the rest of us are capable of. And the rest of Europe has had millions of Muslims for decades; if "being a Muslim" was somehow equivalent to the "havoc" you falsely suppose is being wrought across the continent, we would all be dead by now.

    Honestly, you can demonise any group of people you want with enough manipulation of the truth. Look, here's what they'd say if they wanted to demonise scientists (Donald, cover your eyes, this is not an instruction manual) :
    You've been had, David, by those who know that fear makes a population easier to control.

  16. I called it..

    1. Only one of links contains an unsubstantiated report of 2 people being evicted...* it's a fake news/alternative facts site but I don't expect anyone getting their news from Alex Jones to believe that..
    2. The Spiegel link contains no mention of any eviction, but does contain this..
    All across the country, people who have never volunteered for anything are asking what they can do to help, from collecting used clothing to providing rides and helping immigrants deal with bureaucracy. They are moved by the images from Syria and of the floating coffins in the Mediterranean. Perhaps they are also a little moved by their own ability to provide hope to people who have lost everything but their lives,

    *let's for one moment consider that this unsubstantiated claim is true.. 2 people "inconvenienced" for a reason. Funny how that's intolerable to you when they are white, but hundreds being unlawfully detained and separated from their families (#muslimban) is ok when they're brown.
    Or outright shot dead when they're black.

  17. Simon B - I don't get my news from InfoWars. If you spend 30 seconds scrolling through my stream, you'll know I despise Trump . . . I'm no fan of Hillary either. In addition, you'll also find that you know absolutely nothing about me.

  18. People calling themselves scientist and some paragraphs later calling out some assumption and boldly (as in bold) claiming that ther be no doubt.

    I do think we have found what I was looking for regarding "conspiracy theory". Thanks for the translation, should have known that. :-)

  19. Michel Kangro​ - My statement that Obama is a sociopath is not an assumption. It is fact. I learned this information from a friend who had multi-million dollar business in which psychological profiling played a major role. I will not reveal his name or that of the business due to the sensitivity of this information. He would not want to be in tomorrow's headline as either a person not too unlike Assange or having died under mysterious circumstances.

  20. David Lazarus So, if an anonymous source claims something, it is a fact?

    You should go back to university and learn about something called scientific method. It basically says that just saying something doesn't make it true.

    Also, so nice of you to just at the moment that I call your beliefs "conspiracy theory", you mention the danger of dying under mysterious circumstances. So fitting. ;)

  21. But David, you are a conspiracy theorist. You believe in UFOs and the Zoo Hypothesis and that David Icke is part of some vast, elaborate conspiracy. You believe in pseudoscience like the Electric Universe. And this is not the first time you've given an unsubstantiated, unverifiable link or anecdote as evidence or proof, asking us in this case to take the opinion of a single psychologist on faith. So - forgive me, for I do not wish to offend but I can't think of any other way to put this - I just can't take your political comments seriously.

    No, David, they are refugees, not cowards - not that the two are mutually exclusive. Calling them "refugees" smacks of suspecting an ulterior motive. Well, they've crossed an entire continent and are downing en masse in the Mediterranean. That's not cowardly. That's courageous, mixed with a large dose of sheer desperation because what's happening in the Middle East is so awful that they feel they have no choice but to escape.


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