Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday 19 May 2017

Anything to stop those annoying office colleagues

I wish I could change the displayed photo, because the Isolator - and it certainly deserves a capital I - looks like something from a mad scientist's dungeon. No-one in their right mind would disturb anyone wearing this.

Back in 1925, inventor and science fiction author Hugo Gernsback had an idea to block out annoying ambient noise: a contraption he called ‘the isolator’. This helmet would shut out all sounds, smells, and sights of the outside world. The idea was that the user, looking through two small window holes in the metal hood, could concentrate only on the task right at hand.


  1. Now that I've followed the link I realise I've seen The Isolator before. I love that thing.

  2. Adam Synergy Thanks, I hadn't see that - added to the reading list. :)


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These things are not the same as these other things

Today, a couple of similar-ish pieces from Pscyhe I think I can get away with combining into a single post. The first one is very simple, d...