Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday, 2 August 2017

Freedom of movement is good for workers

Freedom of movement of people reverses this proposition. It finally gives ordinary people rights – to organise for better conditions and better pay. No wonder Fox hates European free movement. It’s one of the only immigration systems in history where the ability to move is a human right, not a product of economic necessity, forcing people to meet the “needs” of business. While much could and should be said about the EU’s own barbaric immigration policy, the answer should not be to rescind these rights of ordinary people, but to extend them.

Exactly. Freedom of movement not only breaks down xenophobic barriers but forces local governments to ensure worker's rights are protected, otherwise workers can and do simply go elsewhere. The EU is not some tyrannical overlord that suppresses worker's rights, it's the exact opposite. Yes, it requires relinquishing some paltry powers of the sovereign nation state, but state control isn't a virtue in itself. It behoves a conservative-led state to reduce the individual's rights by denying them freedom of movement. The EU is a safeguard against overbearing states, not a sort of super-state that will swallow countries whole and somehow destroy their local traditions and cultures.

[Note also the EU legislation that foreign workers should be paid at the same level as equally skilled employees of their host nation, designed to make it less desirable to hire cheaper foreign labour.]


  1. Now, look at it from the perspective of a person who views living in the same place his whole life as a virtue: the freedom of movement is a right of the Other People(tm) to come Here(tm). He does not expect to use the right himself, so he does not see it as a right of his.

  2. Dave Wonnacott: In order to work in EU as a foreigner, you'll need a Blue Card, not a green card. The magic of leprechauns only goes so far.

  3. Andres Soolo . Of course! Of course it would be blue! 😊 Thanks for the correction.

  4. ... now I can only envisage US immigration as a bunch of leprechauns...


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