Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday 6 August 2017

The dystopian future is hilarious

Who knew robotic law enforcement would look this hilarious ? Help, I'm being chased by this cute little robot with googly eyes...


  1. It is a something to think of: in applied AI robotics, tyranies are in the frontier of humanity...

  2. Ultimately it's going to evolve into something like this :

  3. Dan Eastwood HAH ! I'd forgotten that...

  4. Appreciative but we still have got a long way yo go

  5. This is what unmanned police cars should look like, complete with the subliminal screams of trapped souls.
    If you don't recognise it, Google "The Prisoner."

  6. Troy Campbell wins the Internet. :-)


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These things are not the same as these other things

Today, a couple of similar-ish pieces from Pscyhe I think I can get away with combining into a single post. The first one is very simple, d...