Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 3 August 2017

The NSFs plans for Arecibo are simply stupid

Edited for brevity.

Dear Stakeholders,

The National Science Foundation (NSF) has prepared a Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) to assess the potential future use of Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico under the condition of reduced funding of the Observatory by NSF.

This Final EIS identifies and analyzes the potential consequences of five action Alternatives:
Alternative 1 (Agency-preferred Alternative) would involve collaboration with new stakeholder(s) who would use and maintain Arecibo Observatory for continued science-focused operations at reduced funding by NSF.
Alternative 2 would involve collaborating with outside entities to operate and maintain Arecibo Observatory as an education-focused operation.
Alternative 3 would involve mothballing (preservation of) essential buildings, telescopes, and other equipment, with periodic maintenance to keep them in working order.
Alternative 4 would involve the demolition of all above-grade structures, except the large concrete structures (that is, towers, tower and catwalk anchors, and rim wall infrastructure).
Alternative 5 would involve the demolition of all above-grade structures, including the large concrete structures (that is, towers, anchors, and rim wall infrastructure).

The Final EIS also proposes mitigation measures to minimize the adverse impacts from demolition or operation of the Alternatives where such impacts may occur. NSF also considered the No-Action Alternative. Under the No-Action Alternative, NSF would continue funding the Arecibo Observatory at current levels; none of the Alternatives would be implemented.


Elizabeth Pentecost

Dear the National Stupid Foundation,

You are stupid. Why are you so stupid ? Do you have brain parasites ? Did the stupid fairy hit you on the head with a toaster, like that bit in Scrooged with Bill Murray ? I can't think of a more credible explanation right now, anyway.

Your "preferred action alternative", as you so eloquently call it, is supposed to maintain science operations at Arecibo. Commendable. Except that it explicitly calls for the demolition of up to 26 buildings including all the ones where the science gets done. You want to cut the NSF's funding and replace it with some other institute. Since you seem to be chronically stupid, that's probably a good thing. But how's about you don't force the theoretical replacement institute to have to rebuild all the frickin' buildings they're gonna need to maintain science operations, eh ? Booby trap them if you must, but what manner of witchcraft and sourcery compels you to think that demolishing science buildings will have any kind of positive impact on science is beyond me. Perhaps that's the key word : impact. Someone once told you you should increase the "impact" on science and you've taken them literally, because of the stupid fairy.

The other "action alternatives" aren't much better. Increasing the amount of education and outreach at AO is a very sensible idea; refocusing it so that it does nothing but education and outreach is not. You specifically call for, in this scenario, the 305m telescope to be rendered inoperable but not demolished, but "retained for visual/historical interest". Well great, let's all just hack our legs off while we're at it. I can think of few sights more discouraging to future astronomers than a vast telescope slowly decaying in the jungle, a sweeping curve of metal and soaring towers consumed back into the wild - save that all those who see it will know that this didn't have to happen. Perhaps the only benefit from this absurd idea would be that it would stand as a monument to the folly of small-minded bureaucrats.

There is not much to be said for the other possibilities. Mothballing the facility is only marginally better than blasting the thing to smithereens, which would at least win you the internet for a few hours. For the sake of a paltry, yes, paltry financial saving, you would end a scientific facility to which there is no comparable alternative, nor is one planned or ever likely to be planned.

In conclusion, you suck, you are stupid, and I don't like you.

Good day.

1 comment:

  1. Dear European, Russian, Japanese, Chinese, Indian and what the hell North Korean space agencies,
    Please buy the Arecibo site so an adult is in charge of its fuding.


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