Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday, 4 October 2017

Complaints about the youth of today through the ages

The BBC has had quite enough of your millennial-bashing, thank you very much. A truly damning and thorough indictment of the notion that this generation's youngsters are particularly special in any way whatsoever, save that they're being screwed by the economic conditions.
Also :


  1. I'm far from being a Millennial and I've been unemployed for over five years thanks to the economic conditions in the US. I know I'm not alone. So, no, the Millennials are not special.

  2. There are some very legitimate gripes regarding a significant percentage of people between 20 and 35. The article names a few. However, it's always the previous generation or two who are to blame for environmental factors that create young adults of a certain mentality.

    This is coming from an involuntary member of Generation 13 (X). Literally the 13th generation since those who signed the Declaration of Independence. Those born between 1961 and 1981.

  3. Truth is, now that I've got grandchildren old enough to talk, I will say this of the Millennials: they're grown old before their time. A child born on 9/11/2001 is now sixteen years and 23 days old. How old must someone be to remember things well? Four, five years old? A 21 year old has never remembered a day without the USA at war.

    The Millennials I know are respectful, kindly - they remind me a bit of kids in the 60s and early 70s, they seem to exhibit more of a conscience, thoughtful. And kinda sad. Melancholy.

    Even their fashions are something of a throwback - the extravagant Edwardian-style beards, the clothes which actually fit. Whoda thunk? Grooming matters again. Nobody wears manky old cheap knockoffs from China, which isn't to say Millennials are obsessed by status symbols. It's just that the much-ballyhooed word "Authentic" means something again.

    I do have one complaint about Millennials. Please stop listening to us old people's music so much. It wasn't all that great. Make your own. Do try to exhibit some sense of rebellion, it's disconcerting. Makes me think you're plotting.

  4. How do you pronounce "whinged"?

  5. Chris Greene "Win" as normal followed by "ged" as in "judged".


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