Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday 5 October 2017

Nick Clegg is a ruthless pragmatist

Well this is confusing, even by the standards of the times.

Former Liberal Democrat leader Nick Clegg says people should consider joining Labour in an attempt to prevent Brexit from happening. In his new book, Mr Clegg said it was "a time of national emergency" and he told people worried about Brexit to "make your voice heard". He also said joining the Conservatives was "another route to make your views felt". Mr Clegg, the former deputy PM, lost his seat in June's general election.

"At a time of national emergency, and for as long as Parliament is dominated by Labour and Conservative MPs, it is undoubtedly true that what happens within the two larger establishment parties is of the greatest importance. So if you can't stomach joining the Labour Party, if you are ideologically inclined in a Conservative direction in any event and if you also believe that Brexit is the issue of our times, then joining the Conservatives is another route to make your views felt."


  1. It is odd that Clegg would be interviewed by anyone now, yes.

  2. Reason I joined! Unfortunately, there are a lot of archaic power structures that prevent us from voting against Brexit within the party, plus all the factions that don't get along... sigh

  3. Durand D'souza You joined Labour to stop Brexit ? Why would you do that when the current leader is so determined that it should happen ?

  4. Because the alternative is watching from the sidelines so it's better to campaign from the inside. There are several groups within Labour that campaign against hard brexit: Labour against Brexit, Campaign for Free Movement and the Labour Campaign for the Single Market.

    Plus, I think the way the Lib Dems dealt with Brexit was pretty insulting to voters and the only way to stop brexit is to change society for the better rather than pretending that everything is fine.


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