Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday, 3 October 2017

Not all Tories are as mad as their so-called leaders

This guy gets it...

Speaking at a conference fringe meeting, hosted by the Social Market Foundation (SMF) think-tank, he said: “The problem with Brexit for young people is not an economic, it's not a trade thing. It's about the virtual signalling of essentially being closed off to the world, because for most young people the world is just 'Amazon', it's just 'there', and it seems retrograde to being seen to be putting up barriers. It's like Drumpf's wall. So, single market access or not, I don't think is what young people are talking about. I think what this is about is closing off, turning away from Europe, and also having controls on migration. They're either going to just leave..."

.... Well, not quite. He is a Tory after all :

"or start voting for some socialist utopia and we obviously don't want that,” he added."

Perish the thought !


  1. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Brexit |= isolationism. In addition, comparing it to Trump’s wall is beyond idiotic, IMO.

  2. Brexit does indeed not necessarily equal isolationism. The problem is that absolutely no-one at all has any idea what Brexit does equal, because a) the referendum question didn't ask us that and b) the politicians haven't got a clue what they're doing.

    The reason Brexit is very strongly perceived as isolationism is because that's one of the main principles which Leave campaigners fought on - or at least, on barely-disguised xenophobia, which amounts to the same thing. Hence the comparison to the wall is legitimate in that that's how us young whipper-snappers view it : a bunch of bigoted idiots trying to bring back the Empire. There was precious little - if any - legitimate questioning of the EU bureaucracy. The closest they got was that big red bus with the completely flawed claim about Brexit magically giving us £350 million for the NHS - which leading Leave campaigners admitted was wrong the day after the result.

  3. Rhys Taylor​ - BTW, when did you move to England? Last I knew, you were in The Hague. Or is my memory faulty?

  4. The Hague ? No, never been there. Prague for the last 4 years. Still here !

  5. Rhys Taylor - Oh, that's right! Sorry. Both end with "ague". That makes me curious. Why are you so into British politics? Does Brexit (or Britain in general) have a heavy influence on the Czech Republic?

  6. Also, how do you like living there versus Puerto Rico (current situation in the latter aside)?

  7. Well, I am a British citizen by birth and whatnot.... :)


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