Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 9 October 2017

Review : Star Trek Discovery Episode 4

Keeping things spoiler free.

After quite some promising moves last week, episode 4 largely degenerates back into farce. Once again we have too many damn bloody great glowy things and weird camera angles. Too many really frickin' irritating Klingons speaking their stupid language and having stupid side plots that have lost what little interest they ever contained (oh, and now they eat their enemies, making them seem like even more ridiculous primitives). Too much war, not to mention a captain who's explicitly a warrior in command of a science vessel. Daft. A side-plot based on the Federation designing new weapons : no thanks ! You can't call it Star Trek and have it revolve so much around war and death - not from the word go, at least. In parts it borders on bleakness porn.

Some of you may cry, "Deep Space Nine !!!". Ah well, Deep Space Nine was more like bleakness eroticism : you actually already cared about the characters and the world they inhabited; they were trying to rebuild and explore long before the Dominion showed up. Only in the later seasons did it wholly devote itself to the war theme, by which point the treachery and betrayal actually meant something. Never mind that Gul Dukat and Garak were magnificently melodramatic. Discovery's characters, on the other hand, are plodding and dull.

After a very nice plot twist to the captain last week, he's fallen back into douchebag territory. The security officer is not only a douchebag, but a hideously, I mean seriously ludicrously stupid one as well. Come to that, virtually the entire crew are rude and obnoxious. The leader character is practically the only one who every behaves with any degree of professionalism, and her main role is basically to be condescending to everyone else by virtue of their stupidity. She has precisely two expressions : worried and smug. The rest of the crew... pointless. Utterly pointless.

And then there's the science. Yes, I know. I KNOW ! It's fiction and it doesn't have to be realistic; insert fifty seven million times Star Trek made a science boo-boo. I'd overlook this completely except... O-type stars aren't yellow, they're blue-white. Does this affect the story in any way whatsoever ? Nope. But I know full well how little effort is requires to swap the RGB values and turn a yellow star into a blue one. Unnecessary unrealism that's absolutely trivial to fix is the most annoying kind.

Rant over, you may return to the dwellings from whence you came.


  1. I usually would be quite angry over just another crappy Star Trek series but ... ♥ The Orville ♥

    PS: I literally screamed when the little child asked "who saved us" and again shortly after when the crew was hugging themselves. :-(

  2. They lost me at Subscription Only.

  3. I guess O-type star in STD is actually short for an Oh Shit-type star.
    I think they had probably run out of blue pixels for ALL THE FUCKING BLUE OH GOD I HATES IT I HATES IT PRECIOUUSSSSS
    I could write up a long comment about why I am beginning to hate it STD despite trying so hard to love it but my my facade of kindness and generosity is being peeled by watching I Hate Everything's YouTube videos to reveal my bitter hatey heart.
    Frank Rehse I need to keep track of my eye rolls during each episode. Last week they were doing Alien badly, now it's Dune x Wing Commander.
    Seriously, how many people are out there frothing over how original their Spice er coughcoughcough SPORE drive is which can instantaneously travel thanks to a Naaaaviga coughcoughcough TARDIGRDAE oh God I can't even both spelling it right anymore.
    And everything telegraphed for lightyears.

  4. She even took the knife. "Stupid" echoed the room.

  5. Ivan Petkovic not even that. IN THE SECOND EPISODE we saw Michael Burnham open a 1 metre gap in the forcefield.

  6. Troy Campbell notice that Rhys Taylor​ won't even mention "some kind of wall of Hawking radiation". It's, simply, the other kind of Hawking radiation. Obviously.

  7. Ivan Petkovic I had managed to forget that. It feels like the STD writers just read the covers of Popular Mechanics and that's where they get their science from.
    Even Knights of Sidonia is lightyears ahead of this.

  8. They're trying OK.. Very very trying. :(
    I'm with Troy Campbell, I'd very much like to like this show, but it's making it very hard. And yes, the O-type was a dumb mistake that would have been free to fix. Not to mention super secret, apparently functioning, mystic mumble-biological-mumble star drives that seem to have been completely forgotten by all the history they've already documented in other ST shows. I think it might be time for them to stop paying their script writers in crack.

  9. Troy Campbell the reason Glenn failed was hitting a wall made of particles leaving the black hole, and that wall resembles Trump's wall - it exists only in imagination. Keanu would say, there is no wall.

  10. I decided to let them off the Hawking radiation one on the grounds that I'm OK with fictional science, and that's the sort of liberties Trek has traditionally taken with science anyway. Some kind of wormhole-based event horizon with Hawking radiation, blah blah. Sure. OK. Fine. You're trying. But an O type star being the wrong colour ? NOT COOL.

    Also, did none of the writers realise that the acronym STD isn't particularly wise ? Though it feels increasingly appropriate.

  11. Yeah the Hawking blurb I saw and forgave instantly. But the shot literally looks like they were ripping off a typical Elite: Dangerous hyperspace arrival.

  12. I'm still getting used to STD. Not a great option, I agree.

  13. Ivan Petkovic Sometimes getting used to it is the only option you have. I'm going to mitigate and work on prevention in future though.

  14. Dogmatic Pyrrhonist next Monday, it's gonna be like:
    "Looove, common, it's Monday - time for another STD! You ready?"
    "what, AGAIN? Is it gonna burn - say,

    like a yellow O-type star?"

  15. Ivan Petkovic "burn like a yellow O-type star." And thus a legend is born.

  16. Only on the internet do we get jokes combining STDs and spectral types. Wonderful.


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