Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday, 24 November 2017

Re-integrating Nazis

Slightly misleading headline : this is about how to re-integrate former Nazis, not how to get them deradicalised in the first place. But interesting nonetheless.


  1. Derp Derpington I certainly did.

  2. Rhys Taylor you’re only lying to yourself.

  3. No, no, I definitely deleted it. I recall it quite distinctly.

  4. In fact, to hell with you, Mr Derpington (if that is your real name). Random comments that attempt to derail a thread with total BS are bad enough. Using the phrase, "let's concentrate on the "nazis"", with the speech marks, that's a step too far. And I see that the profile is simply a hate-filled troll. Enough of this. Blocked.

  5. To be non-radical nazi - basically it means someone is rasist but only a little?

  6. Actually, I'm not sure it ever uses the phrase "radical Nazi". Nazis are radical by definition, so deradicalising them also means de-Nazifying them.

  7. Rhys Taylor so it is about resocialization and returning them into ordinary health? It is not simple in extreme cases, but for typical person it means just to grow up.....

  8. Kazimierz Kurz That's my understanding of it, yes.
    As the video says, there are many people who already want to leave but need an escape route. It doesn't go into much detail as to why such people joined in the first place, or what persuades them that they've made a terrible mistake afterwards.


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Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

As per usual, a single-part post just isn't going to cut it. Having ranted at considerable length against the Norse sagas (of Flame Tree...