Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 2 November 2017

Sharks in a volcano because nature hates you

Extremophile sharks are definitely going to star in a B-movie at some point.

Of importance to Phillips and the other researchers is how these animals live in such a hot, acidic environment. The scientists sent robots down because "Divers who have gotten close to the outer edge of the volcano have had to back away because of how hot it is or because they were getting mild skin burns from the acid water," Phillips explained.

This discovery has opened up a world of new questions that Phillips and his team hope to answer at some point. "These large animals are living in what you have to assume is much hotter and much more acidic water, and they're just hanging out," Phillips said. "It makes you question what type of extreme environment these animals are adapted to. What sort of changes have they undergone? Are there only certain animals that can withstand it?"

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