Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday, 19 November 2017

The noble savage ? Actually they're just like us : a colossal bunch of jerks

This fascinating documentary has been sat in my Netflix list for far too long. It follows the process of an uncontacted tribe encountering modern civilisation for the first time. As you might expect, they're neither noble nor savages : they're people. Some of them are utter jerks. One of the first things that happens on contact is that they insult the anthropologist's "shit" singing abilities, and then they try to steal their stuff. Others are very dangerous indeed : conflict with the local residents has led to many deaths on both sides. They consider murder to be a completely acceptable response to adultery. And living naked in the forest, by their own admission, sucks.

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Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

As per usual, a single-part post just isn't going to cut it. Having ranted at considerable length against the Norse sagas (of Flame Tree...