Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 30 April 2018

Blue Origin's ferocious tortoises

As Chris Greene wrote :

Apparently, Blue Origin has turtles on their coat of arms. Also, apparently, they have a coat of arms.

Sadly they are not Discworldian Star Turtles, but tortoises.

“Gradatim Ferociter” is Latin for “Step by Step, Ferociously. Bezos says that’s his approach to spaceflight... The lesson from the fable of the hare and the tortoise is that “slow and steady wins the race.” Bezos puts a different twist on the tale: “Slow is smooth, and smooth is fast.” The mascot also may be a commentary on other commercial space ventures that leap into aggressive schedules but don’t end up meeting them, like the hare in the fable. After each successful New Shepard flight, Blue Origin’s team paints a tortoise on the capsule’s hatch. And during last weekend’s banquet, Bezos showed off a pair of tortoise cufflinks (which you can buy on Etsy for $48).

If I had my own space program, you can rest assured I'd have gone with this one :

"We who are about to die, really don't want to."

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