Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 16 April 2018

Building Better Worlds With Statistics

Building Better Worlds With Statistics

Second part of my analysis of Plato's fictional pseudo-utopia, Magnesia. In this one I concentrate more heavily on Magnesia itself with less commentary on how the ideas and ideals apply to the modern world. Anyone else out there with a fetish for statistical analysis of Platonic dialogues ? Then you're in for a treat ! As for everyone else, well, what have you been doing with your life ?

Lots of statistical analysis with graphs coming out of every one of Justice's orifices. Was Plato applying his own rules consistently ? In terms of the punishment fitting the crime, this seems to be the case. But with regards to the punishment fitting the criminal, it appears he was just making stuff up as he went along and I can show you this with numbers because numbers are the shizzle.

What if you don't like graphs ? Then fear not. Here I also examine Plato's theology and the use of religion as a carefully-planned means to control the population - a seemingly sinister intent, yet with an absolutely beautiful, meaning-of-life stuff destruction of the notion of the Universe as being in any sense designed for us. I also look at the state's use of violence as a legitimate tool, various areas where Plato got it wrong, and why Batman would get along just fine in Magnesia.

Next time, in the third and final part, I'll look at the key linked themes of freedom and education and see what lessons from this the modern world has adopted, debunked, and might still have left to learn.


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Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

As per usual, a single-part post just isn't going to cut it. Having ranted at considerable length against the Norse sagas (of Flame Tree...