Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday, 6 June 2018

Battle of the sparkle chickens

Via Bruce Shark, who has renamed peacocks to sparkle chickens. I endorse this change.


  1. I approve of yer approval...

    Sparkle chikkins for life.

  2. I approve Bruce Shark's approval of Rhys Taylor's endorsement.

  3. I approve of Chris Blackmore's approval of Bruce Shark's approval of my endorsement... and I think I'm gonna add "sparkle chicken" to my word replacer in Chrome.

  4. Remember; if you eat a peacock it can't make that hideous noise in the middle of the night.

  5. Ohh, what a magnificent image!

  6. John Poteet The farm down the hill has peacocks. I know for a fact that, after a couple of years, even people who sleep very lightly are not bothered by that amazingly awful sound.

  7. Chris Blackmore I had a neighbor with peacocks thirty years ago. A few years of that gave me a lifelong grudge. Even the braying of a lonely male donkey is better or at least more seasonal.

  8. John Poteet He also has a goat that screams like somebody being killed on the rack, and some things that make noises I can't believe are from anything native to this planet. I love the tranquillity of the countryside...


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Review : Norse Myths and Tales (II)

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