Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday, 10 August 2018

Space Force gets a logo

The embedded image is not one of the proposed logos, but they're of about that level of quality. My favourite is the one on the top right, it looks like something you'd find in an obscure 1990's point-and-click adventure game. As the ever-increasingly despairing BBC point out, this is blatantly an attempt to design a mug, not a military logo.

Donald Drumpf's Space Force as an actual sixth branch of the US military faces numerous bureaucratic and political obstacles. Space Force as a presidential marketing campaign, however, is already blasting off.

Not that any of the proposals are particularly good, of course. One is a direct rip-off of Nasa's logo. Another looks like bad clip-art. And what does defending US commercial and military assets in Earth orbit have to do with Mars?

Of course, the real point of the email poll from Drumpf 2020 campaign manager Brad Parscale becomes obvious after readers choose their favourite graphic, in the form of a campaign fundraising pitch.

And if the direct approach doesn't work, there's a potentially more lucrative cash grab on the horizon. The White House Gift Shop is already taking pre-orders for Space Force commemorative coins. Once Space Force merchandise hits the Drumpf campaign store, it won't be long before it starts showing up at Drumpf rallies.

It's a brilliant bit of marketing from the people who brought you the ubiquitous "Make Donald Drumpf Again" hat.

(No, I haven't turned off John Oliver's Make Donald Drumpf again word replacer, and I'm not going to)

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