Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday, 28 August 2018

Talent-luck : sometimes mimicking the observations is the wrong approach

Another exploration of talent-luck :

This time I kept all the conditions the same as in the original paper, with talent playing an almost negligible role when events happen, but simply changed the distribution of talent from Gaussian to random uniform. This means there are now far more people with high and low talent levels, and the final distribution of talent-wealth is completely different. Remarkably, the slope of the wealth distribution is unchanged, though the most talented people are now also the most wealthy. It seems the original model really does give talent the worst possible chance !

The next step is to see if I can improve speed by replacing the strange random-walk method. I'll try and measure the frequency distribution of events, then have force them to occur at that rate for each agent. There might be a nice little paper in this...

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