Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 2 August 2018

The government keeps ignoring some very basic questions and this just feels rude

The government's response is tiresomely predictable.

The British people voted to leave the EU, and it is the duty of the Government to deliver on their instruction. There can be no attempt to stay in the EU.

Honestly it feels like talking to a brick wall, and a particularly stupid one at that. Why does that marginal vote have to be implemented no matter what ? Why is it so critical to respect a vote if people have changed their minds ? Why must they be beholden to a marginal decision taken on a single day ? Why in the world is it supposedly undemocratic to hold a second vote ? Where in the question of the referendum does it say that we want to give the government the power to enact the consequences of the vote (either way) without getting any further say in it ? I've been asking these questions since the frickin' day of the referendum and I still don't have any answers. I can only conclude that this is because the government are too stupid to understand the questions. We just get the same tired old responses with not a modicum of thought behind them. This response contains not one word of reference to the illegal activities of Vote Leave mentioned in the petition. Answer the damn questions for crying out loud. How can you have a sensible democracy where people just ignore the issues completely ? Answer : you can't.

This was not a decision made after just a few weeks of campaigning, but one that came after a debate that had taken place both in Parliament and across the country for decades.

Bollocks. It was an issue most people didn't care that much about - witness the pathetic turnouts for MEP elections, of which I'm guilty as charged - until the campaign started. It was lead by fringe diehards. The EU was never the top of most people's agenda.

The premise that the people can trust their politicians to deliver on the promises they make and will deliver them in Parliament is fundamental to our democracy.

More bollocks. This is literally such small-mindedness that they have apparently forgotten every primary school teacher's question : "well if your friend jumped off a cliff would you do it ?". Never mind that the leaving the EU question contained nothing whatsoever on the details of the leaving process, which are quite important. And for the millionth time, why is it so important to deliver on a vote if people don't want that any more ?

It is the Government’s duty to deliver the will of the people and reach a desirable final outcome.

WHY ???? Which people ? The slim majority who voted to leave one day ? What's so special about that merry bunch of idiots ? How do you know this particular method is the "will of the people" ? More importantly, why is it impossible to answer these very basic and simple questions ?

1 comment:

  1. Look at modern diplomacy.
    Bush declaring that there are WMD in Iraq.
    China declaring chunks of the ocean as their territorial waters.
    Russia "bombing Daesh" in hospitals dozens of km from Daesh-held territory - "without civilian causalities", of course.
    Trump saying pretty much anything.

    Even obvious nonsense backed by transparent lies can serve as a justification if you hide behind with enough aplomb.


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