Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday, 7 September 2018

There is absolutely no reason to bring back whaling

Japan and Norway can bloomin' well sod off, thanks.

Yet their main point is that they argue that opposition to sustainable whaling of non-endangered stocks is deeply hypocritical. Industrial meat production keeps pigs, cows and chicken in grim captivity from birth to slaughterhouse, but this seldom stops shoppers from reaching for a nice cut of pork or beef. There is also the hunter's defence that killing a wild animal is more ethical than raising an animal in captivity with the sole purpose of eating it.

Lars Walloe, former head of Norway's delegation to the IWC, told the BBC whaling is the same as killing "other large mammals in the forest, like deer, elk, moose. We kill them for meat and we don't see the difference between killing a minke whale and a moose as long as it's done humanely."

Total BS whataboutism. We're not discussing banning industrial farming or all forms of hunting. We're talking about whether commercial whale hunting should be legal again, not making sweeping changes to global society. Of course it bloody well shouldn't. For reasons, see the unabridged version of Moby Dick.

Greenpeace's militant anti-whaling approach was one of few things they got dead right.


  1. "Man is the only animal that blushes. Or needs to." -Mark Twain. There are days, Rhys, when I am embarrassed to be a human being.

  2. Best response to "others do it" arguments, is to just ask "but does that make it right?" . A family member was defending slavery. And civil wAr statues. The bible allows slavery, there is Genocide in the Bible. He finally heard my repeated question, thought about it, and stopped.


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