Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday, 30 October 2018

Trump openly promotes violence

An incomplete list : off the top of my head, it doesn't include the time he implied "second amendment people" could assassinate Clinton.

The man is a monster. A literal monster. They say you should never attribute to malevolence what you can attribute to stupidity, and that's true. But they aren't mutually exclusive by any means. And they say he's a symptom, not a cause. That's only partially accurate, because symptoms and causes aren't mutually exclusive either. In fact viral symptoms are exactly intended to propagate the virus further.

No-one thinks of themselves as the villain. Few openly admit to racism or bigotry, but you don't have to be a card-carrying member of the KKK to be a racist. You don't have to go around physically beating people to inspire violence. And you don't have to even despise every minority to normalise discrimination. Calling oneself a nationalist may be technically different to, "white nationalist", but in context, there are no reasonable grounds to doubt the underlying intention.

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