Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Sunday, 11 November 2018

The mayor of Prague is a pirate

Avast ! There were a narrow defeat afore a scientist in the laaast Czech nationwide elections, arrr, but there were gains fer the Pirates as well. Arrr ! Shiver me timbers ! Thar be more good news ahead !

... okay, I'll stop.

The Czech Pirate Party has chalked up several successes in the political arena too. In last year’s parliamentary elections the Pirates won 10.79% of the total vote, securing 22 seats in the national parliament. That success was replicated earlier this month when the Pirates got 17.1% of the votes in Prague’s municipal elections, making it the second largest party locally.

This week the Czech Pirates reached another significant milestone, as the party delivers the new mayor of the country’s capital, Prague. Pirate Party member Zdeněk Hřib will fill the prominent position and several of his colleagues will take places in the city council.

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