Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday 7 December 2018

Bloodhound cancelled

God dammit.


  1. Too much money for Red Bull? They usually sponsor everything and everybody related to adrenaline sports, feats or stunts..

  2. I guess most brands will find a better ROI on anything else (and that includes cripto-mining).
    Other than giving a round number in imperial units (1000 miles/hour), it adds nothing of consequence.
    Much like the Blue Flame (which managed another round number in metric units - 1000 km/hour).
    At least, the Trust SCC broke something that actually exists (the speed o sound) as opposed to something as arbitrary as the arbitrary third power of the arbitrary base-10, arbitrary length units (miles/km) per arbitrary time units (hours)...


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Philosophers be like, "?"

In the Science of Discworld books the authors postulate Homo Sapiens is actually Pan Narrans, the storytelling ape. Telling stories is, the...