Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Saturday 8 December 2018

Printing 3D circuits with... Vegemite

I smell an IgNobel.

If nothing else, this will bring hope to millions of schoolchildren suffering in soldering lessons...



  1. The main application will be that instead of recycling it, you can just chuck it in the composting heap.

  2. It seems silly but the intersection of biology & electronics is the subject of furious research. Biochips that could be tattooed under the skin could be very useful for things like insulin pumps.

  3. Robert Poole The resolution doesn't look too good (honestly, neither does the edibility...), but if you need nominally edible, conductive 3D prints, there ya go.


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These things are not the same as these other things

Today, a couple of similar-ish pieces from Pscyhe I think I can get away with combining into a single post. The first one is very simple, d...