Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday 15 June 2016

It's always nice to see idiots shoot themselves in the foot

[The thing about racists is, they're inherently stupid people. Here we witness Britain First using a picture of Czechoslovakian RAF pilots to suggest that we'd be better off without the support of our European friends.]

And there's a really bad-ass monument for them in the center of Prague.

Originally shared by Ray Radlein


  1. Exiting Europe would turn Great Britain into a third world country with two decades.

  2. Lots of Polish fighter pilots were involved as well.


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Philosophers be like, "?"

In the Science of Discworld books the authors postulate Homo Sapiens is actually Pan Narrans, the storytelling ape. Telling stories is, the...