Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Wednesday 6 July 2016

Just Eat robots

Takeaway food ordering service Just Eat has announced it will trial delivery robots in London this year. Each robot has onboard cameras to monitor its surroundings, and human operators in a command centre can take over control of the device if necessary. The compartment containing the food will be secured by an access code.

The company said the robots had already been introduced in cities overseas and had driven 5,000 miles without any accidents."We have driven thousands of miles with robots like this... and the vast majority of people just ignore it."


  1. So what you're saying is that for the price of a pizza I can get a free robot?

    And a pizza?

    Sign me up.

  2. No, when you order a pizza, I can get a free robot, and a free pizza (provided I get to your neighbourhood before everyone else      ;-)


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These things are not the same as these other things

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