Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 10 November 2016

Madness, madness, everywhere...

Madness, madness, everywhere...

Jeremy Paxman says he is "baffled" by students voting to boycott University Challenge over claims that a complaint about "misogynistic and sexist comments" was not taken seriously enough.

Mr Paxman has suggested that it might be about comments he made about a knitted mascot of himself. "I have racked my brains to discover what on earth the Reading students' union is on about," said Mr Paxman.

I think they're referring to a recording of University Challenge which took place in February 2015, though I am baffled at why it has become an issue a year-and-a-half later. "There was a technical fault which meant we had to interrupt the recording, leaving all of us sitting at our desks in the studio while the problem was sorted out in the control gallery.

"In the conversation to fill the void - in a brightly lit studio, in front of all eight contestants, a full studio crew and an audience of several hundred spectators - I asked the Reading team about the mascot sitting on their desk.

"One of them said it was a hand-knitted Jeremy Paxman doll. Across the several yards separating the chairman's desk from the teams, I asked the whole team whether they took it to bed with them. Though no complaint was made at the time, this, apparently, is what has upset them."

If correct, this is politically cuckoo. If. An absurd over-reaction to a meaningless and utterly harmless joke. You can't go around jumping down people's throats every time they say the tiniest little thing you don't like, because they'll damn well do the same to you.

1 comment:

  1. Hopefully some more far left people will listen and stop with this runaway regressivism now. Or im afraid the us will get two terms of trump and maybe even someone worse next time.
    Not hopefull tho after what im seeing these past few days with the doubling down on calling people racists/bigots/sexists/"basket of deplorables" and worst of all. Literal suicide baitings of the poor Johnson voters by the worst people on earth.
    News flash.. Im a politically somewhere between a libertarian and a classic liberal and i would never ever, even in a million years have voted hillary.
    If i where an american and had decided to vote johnson, and Johnson suddenly wasnt an option i would rather: Chose not to vote at all.
    Or vote for trump in sheer protest over the toxic shaming going on.
    Its a view most other libertarians seem to share. A view likely reinforced even more now by how the rest of the left is behaving.

    A pretty good analysis here:


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