Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Tuesday, 18 April 2017

Erdogan's Turkey

Too long and complex to summarise, but well worth reading in its entirety.


  1. The conservative Brits are pro Erdoğan, like they are pro Saudi. There is no mention of Erdoğan's dirty deeds like the controlled coup and the subsequent crackdown on the democrats.

  2. Akira Bergman Eh ? I think there are quite lengthy descriptions of both of those ! The word "coup" is mentioned 19 times, for instance...

  3. But not the word "controlled" or any description to that effect. The person he blamed for the coup was one his closest supporters.

  4. “The Gulen movement is a perfect definition of a cult,” says Said Alpsoy, sitting in his study surrounded by books on Islam. A conservative researcher, he spent 17 years as a follower of Fethullah Gulen, the Islamic cleric who the government blames for orchestrating last year's failed coup.

  5. The word "controlled" refers to the control of the coup attempt by Erdoğan and the government. This idea has been around since the coup and now also accepted by the main opposition party. There are many clues to it that have not been resolved. The piece had to mention this fact. - Kılıçdaroğlu: 15 Temmuz kontrollü darbe girişimidir - BBC Türkçe

  6. Oh, I see, you mean the coup was engineered. No, it doesn't mention that.

  7. The recent referendum has also had problems with vote counting.

  8. Wasn't the coup orchestrated as a last-ditch effort by Kemalists to salvage Kemal's legacy? If it was engineered, that was a reckless move as he was nearly shot down by F16.
    (Though AFAICT everyone agrees that blaming it on Gulen is preposterous and nothing more than a pretext to get rid of a rival).

    Also I didn't see much about how Edrogan is backing mass-murdering Islamists in Syria, or how he was letting Daesh cross the frontier to go to Turkish hospitals only a few years ago.

  9. Erdoğan blames the Gülenists. F16 did not shoot him down in the end anyway. The assassins sent to his hotel missed him by a small margin. There are too many unexplained things.

    In the end they used the failed coup as an excuse to purge the Kemalists.


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