Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Friday, 19 May 2017

An open admission of guilt is still not enough

The irony level is now at supersaturation and crystals of terminal honesty are condensing out of the truly bizarre and ungodly concoction.

US President Donald Drumpf told Russian officials that firing FBI director James Comey eased "great pressure" on him, US media report. The New York Times, citing a document summarising last week's meeting, says he called Mr Comey a "real nut job". Mr Comey had been running an inquiry into possible collusion between Russia and Donald Drumpf's election campaign.

"I just fired the head of the F.B.I. He was crazy, a real nut job," Mr. Drumpf said, according to the report. "I faced great pressure because of Russia. That's taken off."

Donald Drumpf called the ongoing Russia investigation a "witch hunt", but reporters have just found a boiling cauldron and a closet full of broomsticks. The key takeaway from these latest blockbuster stories - there have been so many this week it's hard to keep count - is there's now further evidence of Mr Drumpf's intent to dismiss FBI Director James Comey because of his handling of the ongoing Russia investigation.

1 comment:

  1. ... so the g/fs' downstairs, I'm up here in my office. We chat and hand links to each other over Google Hangouts all the day long. But sometimes we actually talk.

    So she asks if I've seen this business to which this BBC link alludes. I have. Well, what do you think, Dan? she asks.

    I'm quiet for a moment.

    C, I've been up since 0600. Made coffee, read the first pass over my newsfeeds. Took the dog out. Pondered it all. I'm not sure I'm capable of believing it.

    "But it's from NYTimes, seems credible enough...WaPo says it, too."

    I'm quiet again. "Under any other set of circumstances, I'd take that as gospel truth. But my credibility muscles are all distended, I can't quite come to terms with what I'm reading."


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