Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Thursday, 19 July 2018

Petitioning to cancel Brexit because Vote Leave broke the rules

I signed it, even though they're just gonna say, "nope", insisting that it was that one marginal vote that counted and was obviously utterly flawless and no-one is ever allowed to change their minds at all. On the other hand, no confidence letters are being written, so we'll see.

I really just do not understand the democratic "logic" at work here. The arguments on the validity of the result have been raised time and time again, and in my opinion they're pretty sensible. Yet they've never addressed - they are simply denied. So a pro-remain Tory is now supposedly leading (if you can call it that) a government (if you can call it that) towards a confused Brexit deal that nobody wants and is supported by the pro-EU Labour party led by a EU skeptic whilst facing off a tiny minority of hard Brexiteers who apparently are more important than anyone else, for some reason. Completely and utterly baffling to me.


  1. 138,455 signatures as of just now. It should get debated.
    How many signatures to make it happen, I wonder.

    ......aside from being a massive over-reach for a referendum that was supposed to be non-binding...
    ...and aside from being based on a huge pack of demonstrable lies on the part of Boris and Co...
    ...and aside from including votes by people who weren't of normal legal voting age...
    ...and aside from being a case study in the fundamental weakness of elections to decide any actual issues (because they always come down to a binary answer to some complex, difficult question)...

    ....this has also been a case study in the impossibility of separating a policy from its enactors. If you ask "would you like to leave the EU and rely on steady statesmanship from a stable government of smart people?" then you probably get a different answer from if you ask "would you like to leave the EU and hand your life's savings over to a bunch of crazed monkeys who are also crooks?" If there were a second referendum now, it would involve a populace that has become informed about just who these people actually are and what they're capable of.

  2. Richard G Above 100,000 it has to be debated.

  3. Oh, with some possible exceptions, but most of them get through.


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