Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 13 August 2018

Boris Johnson's constituency is now in favour of Remain

Look, even Boris' own constituents don't want this. At what point do we admit this decision isn't the settled will of an educated populace, but the transient errors of a defrauded and indecisive electorate ? The former would be a legitimate democratic mandate (even if it was also very stupid), the latter is just very stupid.

Among the constituencies to switch from Leave to Remain is that of Boris Johnson, the former foreign secretary and face of the Leave campaign. Support for Remain in his Uxbridge and South Ruislip constituency has risen from 43.6% to 51.4%, according to the new model.

Surrey Heath, the constituency of the other Leave figurehead, Michael Gove, also emerged as having a pro-Remain majority. Support for Remain increased from 48% in 2016 to 50.2%.


  1. I agree with the idea of a revote, but the expected polling in the constituencies where the loudest voices come from is only political theatre. The two jokers pictured aren't going to change their positions.

    There are two steps I think we have to move through:
    1) Pressure on individual MPs to get them to move for a revote -- which is where this type of seat counting makes sense
    and then
    2) What the nationwide vote for "Remain/Leave" or (much better) "Leave with no agreement/Leave with agreement X/Remain with no changes" returns

  2. Alan Peery I agree. I also think that the two most prominent Leave activist's utter failure to convince their own constituents is powerful ammunition against the whole idea, though not against Boris or Gove themselves.

  3. The Observer is being deceiving. No polls actually took place. So called experts on data thought this up.

  4. Nowhere does it claim that a new poll was taken. It explicitly and clearly states that this is a re-analysis of old data. There's no deceit here, you're just reading it wrong.


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