Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday, 13 August 2018

Bureaucracy Simulator

I've always wanted a Star Trek game (possibly but not necessarily a MMORPG) where you begin as a Junior Acting Ensign. Your only function is to fetch the Captain's tea. You climb the ranks very, very slowly, later being permitted to bring reports for officers to sign. As a junior engineer you get to check on the dilithium matrix and scrub plasma conduits (woe betide anyone who works in the transporter rooms). Eventually you can reach the level of Fleet Admiral and lead vast armadas in terrifying engagements with the Borg.

I also think that social network simulators (gameified or otherwise) are going to become a Big Thing, with all the associated hype, misunderstandings and legitimate usefulness that implies.

Originally shared by Event Horizon

I personally look forward with eager excitement to the arrival of Bureaucracy Simulator 2 (it's B.S. 2), in which a player gets to live the life of a micromanaged office worker. From waking up at 4 a.m. in an under-sized appartment he or she can hardly afford and after having negotiated the 90 minute commute through constipated traffic to work, gets to spend a full 8 hours of boredom sitting in an open-office designed workspace in which management direct inefficient seating reshuffles every other day. A simulator with drudgingly-slow soul-destroying real-time-only play.

The occasional opportunity for meetings (in which extra points are scored for cultivating sophisticated skills of sleeping-with-eyes-open) and random office conversations about the weather or politics are also percolated by unexpected dressing-downs from senior management about things your in-game character has never heard of, certainly has no responsibility for but now clearly must take the blame for disastrous performance-metrics in regards-to. The endless emails, the hours of Microsoft Office. Then they get to drive home through peak-hour traffic and should they survive the potential for stochastic instances of car-jacking, road-rage or car defect-notices, they get to go home to their little apartment, eat a TV dinner, watch a little bullshit on TV, check their work email, and then go to bed.

An optional extra and purchasable mod is "Tortured Insomnia and Nightmares of an Office Worker"; commonly co-purchased with the "Borderline Alcoholic" add-on pack.


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