Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday 28 January 2019

Correlation, unfortunately, doesn't equal causation

Found on the internet.


  1. The fun thing is it's not clear which is the independent variable. IE may drive people to murder, yes, but try interpreting it the other way around...

  2. Likely both are correlated to reductions in lead.

  3. Actually, the lead-crime hypothesis might tie in well to the one about smacking bans... - “What Happens When A Country Bans Spanking?”

  4. Well, since Microsoft has been removing itself from the market and introduced edge in place of explorer, as well as Safari, Firefox, Chrome, and a couple others picked up the rest there is no direct relationship to murder rates in any way. Just a pure coincidence that there appears to be a 1:1 correlation.

  5. ... at this stage, I'm taking it for granted that no-one actually thinks there's a meaningful association because there's a correlation. Everyone's seen this, right ? - 15 Insane Things That Correlate With Each Other

    Anyway, what's obviously happening is that murderers only go after people who use IE. Since they've successfully killed off most users, they don't need to kill so many people any more.


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These things are not the same as these other things

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