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Friday, 18 January 2019

Censoring content : Tumblr, yer doin' it wrong

Boobs are clearly very dangerous things and banning pictures of them will lead to everyone becoming fine, virtuous citizens who are in bed by 11 with a nice glass of warm milk. Whereas hate speech in support of violent Nazis is obviously a sacred part of free expression and actually doing anything about the spread of such material would be a horribly unfair thing to do, and anyway it would definitely just backfire horribly because denying people a prominent platform definitely makes it easier for them to spread their racist shit around the place, somehow.

See :

One month ago, Tumblr made the wildly unpopular decision to ban pornography and adult content from its website. The move was greeted with outrage, particularly from those who had used the site as a way to discover their own gender identity and sexuality and connect with users from similarly marginalized groups. Critics accused the site of attempting to please larger tech corporations, like Google and Verizon (which owns Tumblr), at the expense of these groups. Tumblr CEO Jeff D’Onofrio, however, maintained that the changes were made to foster a more “inclusive” community.

One group Tumblr apparently has no problem continuing to host, however, is far-right extremists, who seemingly survived much of last month’s purge unscathed. The website is currently littered with pages promoting Nazism, white supremacy, ethno-nationalism, and far-right terrorism. Despite their often flagrant violation of Tumblr’s Community Guidelines, these pages remain largely active and easy to find.

A search of “James Mason Siege” yields other pages glorifying neo-Nazi extremism, including downloadable neo-Nazi pamphlets and recommended literature. Pages glorifying the Turner Diaries, a far-right piece of propaganda linked to over 200 murders, are also prevalent. Type in the name of Norwegian far-right mass murderer Anders Behring Breivik or racist mass-murderer Dylann Roof and you can easily find pages glorifying them. The search results for Roof, in particular, open up a whole new rabbit hole that, as The Daily Beast previously reported, is awash with glorification of serial killers and mass shooters.


  1. Well, at least they won't permit Hitler's nudes.

  2. Don't get the wrong impression about tumblr's user base and community feel, though. It's still ridiculously dominated by social justice warrior types. It ranges from SJWs to extreme SJWs. (I'm on the mild end, compared to tumblr SJWs.)

    The "alt-right" tried to invade tumblr from their gamergate troglodyte caves, but their attempts never really gained traction. They simply couldn't break into the stranglehold the SJWs have on tumblr.

    Not even the 2018 tumblrpocalypse has caused the stubborn SJW tumblr base to flee.

  3. so how’s the porn ban going anyway? I’m generally scepticalabout overnight clean sweeps.

  4. (Taking a light approach here). Erotica over Nazis for sure. Because, seriously, the Alt-right types I've encountered are not the sharpest pencil's in the box and if I have to deal with brain-light content, well I'll opt for boob's every time. More fun and good for you too.

  5. that might be literally true, actually.

  6. Richard G It's pathetic, as expected. It has driven away a lot of users, especially artists who specifically flocked to tumblr because of its explicitly lax attitude toward NSFW art.

    But the tumblr AI flagging stuff is just awful. It flags a lot of stuff it shouldn't - including the tumblr staff's own posts showing examples of acceptable images - while the porn bots continue to be around.

    This is, sadly, the only expectable outcome. Potn bots get banned all the time. They just create new accounts, tweak a few settings maybe, and whichever ones survive the best spawn more and more of them. They have adapted to post less explicit imagery, but that was all that could ever have been expected.

    In contrast, actual users have thousands of posts; they can't just pop up a new account if their main blog gets banned.

    There is also widespread discontent about the fact that tumblr is banning content in a way that harms marginalized communities which have forged an accepting home on tumblr (which does not exist elsewhere!). This is the biggest and most important criticism of tumblr's actions. The feeling is that they should have only cracked down on child porn, because that's what the real problem is - and it's the problem that the tumblr staff claimed was the problem (not really sure precisely what the truth is, but it's clear enough they were lying).

    There's also widespread discontent that tumblr's going after female presenting nipples rather than alt-right nazis, but honestly that's an orthogonal issue.

  7. The FOSTA/SESTA legal requirement is supposed to be about human trafficking, right? Which seems difficult to prove except through a rigorous investigation of some specific case, which would make all images produced in association with it illegal in retrospect?
    ......I wonder, if one were to conduct a rigorous investigation into neo-Nazi groups, would one turn up human trafficking?

    I also wonder what would happen if porn performers started issuing affidavits stating that their work between certain dates was voluntary, not related to trafficking? Would images of those performers rise in value on account of being more circulateable? Or are we just a long way from that sort of actual policing?

  8. Richard G As per Californium (translation mine): "Better an innocent erased than a guilty escaped"

  9. Kent Crispin It's worth noting that Humblr Social is a Mastodon pod. The way things work on Mastodon is really different from how things work on tumblr, but maybe that doesn't matter for users who just want to share pornographic pictures.

  10. Isaac Kuo Humblr is a bit hard on my aged eyes, I must say, judging from what I saw, it appears that the users are happy there.


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