Sister blog of Physicists of the Caribbean in which I babble about non-astronomy stuff, because everyone needs a hobby

Monday 16 November 2015

Science in society

Science isn't an art, but it does need (almost) the same level of freedom of the arts. Science isn't journalism - it needs to search for the truth, but it's not supposed to be impartial. Nor is it a business, but competitiveness is a valuable part of the process. And while politics should be kept out of science, science should definitely not be kept out of politics.


  1. I change my mind as often as I go to the bathroom.

  2. Probably better than changing your bathroom as often as you change your mind, though.


Due to a small but consistent influx of spam, comments will now be checked before publishing. Only egregious spam/illegal/racist crap will be disapproved, everything else will be published.

These things are not the same as these other things

Today, a couple of similar-ish pieces from Pscyhe I think I can get away with combining into a single post. The first one is very simple, d...